Pilot Resources
We believe that all of our future pilots deserve access to these important resources.
Each of these resources are important parts of your PPL training
Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement for Sport Pilot, Recreational Pilot, Remote Pilot, and Private Pilot
These are the graphics the FAA uses on the Private Pilot Written test. It's a good idea to become familiar with them when studying for the written test. It's pretty cool when you go into a test knowing what's on it.
FAA's Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
This book contains everything on the written test relating to Weather, Aerodynamics, Flight Controls, Aircraft Systems, Flight Instruments, Flight Manuals, and Weight and Balance.
While not the most fascinating of reads, it's a must that all newbie's get to know what's in it.
The FAA's Airplane Flying Handbook
All the fun stuff is in this publication. It includes Ground Operations, Basic Flight Maneuvers, Takeoffs, Landings, Stalls, Slow Flight, Airport Traffic Patterns, Ground Reference Maneuvers, and the Performance Maneuvers. This book teaches you how to fly the plane.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
747 200/300
Takeoff & Landing Data
Aeronautical chart user's guide
Pilot’s Operating Handbook (Cessna Model 172N)
Web resources
While this is available for download, the way the material is presented is horrible. On this one I'd buy the FAR/AIM available online. These are the Rules. Don't break the rules......ever.
AWC - Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts (TAFs) (aviationweather.gov)
Aeronautical Information Manual - AIM (faa.gov)
The Official Guide to Basic Flight Information and Air Traffic Control (ATC).
This is a must have read. It tells you how to get along with other pilots in the sky by reference to every subject you'll ever encounter. How do you enter an Airport Traffic Pattern, it's in there. What to say on the airplane radio. It's in there. This is the book that you'll reference frequently. Copy this great read to your Apple or Droid. You'll need it.
The Flight Plan. What's that you say.
You fill one of these out before you go flying not so much on short local flights but the longer cross country flights. This is free insurance in that in that if you don't make it to your destination, they'll send a search team to look for you.
FAA Safety Reporting System
This is the link to the FAA Safety Reporting System. If you think you've ever busted a rule, violated airspace, did dumb low altitude flyby and someone got your tail number.
This is the form you need to fill out. Here's the link to look at what's in it. Just copy the link just in case something someday goes sideways and you must confess your sins...
AD's Airworthiness Directives
A bit more interesting than an AC because these have to do with faulty aircraft design and what the owner of the plane has to have a mechanic do to make the plane flyable. No need to download this but have the link available on your PCD just in case the examiner asks where you'd find them, most likely the Examiner might ask how you'd know if they were complied with. The answer to that is the Aircraft Logbooks....
The Federal Aviation Administration of the Department of Transportation issues final rule AirworthinessDirectives (AD) to notify owners and operators of certified aircraft that a known safety deficiency exists in a particular model of aircraft, engine, avionics, or other system
Advisory circular (AC)
This publication is rather boring and you don't need to download it. You might get asked on your Oral Exam where you'd find the AC's. You answer would be, right here. Just bookmark it. That will suffice. ............Advisory Circulars refers to a type of publication offered by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to provide guidance for compliance with airworthiness regulations, pilot certification, operational standards, training standards, and any other rules within the 14 CFR Aeronautics and Space Title.